Dr. Young started the 1000SMILES Project as a way to give back to the Pleasanton and East Bay Communities. She provides free exams, cleanings, extractions, dentures, and partials to qualified and underserved individuals.

Tickling Toothbuds is the second part of the 1000SMILES Project which provides children 12 and under free dental care.

Keep reading to find out more about this project, how to get an application, and how you can help!



Funds for the 1000SMILES PROJECT comes from 2 sources.

1. Public Donations. You can give below, all gifts of $50.00 or more qualifies you in our monthly giveaway featuring a local business or restaurant (support our community)!!!


2. By Referring. When you refer your friends and family, we are able to reach more people and grow as a dental family, allowing Dr. Young to provide more pro bono services.

You can save up to 50% of your dental treatment if you join our in-house dental plan! Read more on our financials page.



It's simple. Because we care.

If you had knowledge and the skills that could help people who had met unfortunate circumstance or were unable to help themselves, would you try to help them?

For us, the answer is "YES." 

If your answer is "YES" too, then please allow us to help your family and friends which, in turn, will help the community further!  If you would like to help with the project or have other ideas, please come by our office so that we can see how we could work together to make our communities stronger and healthier!

If you know someone who would benefit or is in need of our services, please come by our office for more information and an application!



As part of the 1000SMILES PROJECT, Dr. Young and her team cares about developing healthy dental habits from the start.

At our events, we welcome children under the age of 12, to come to our dental office for the following FREE SERVICES* 

  • Exam

  • Basic cleaning

  • X-rays

  • Fluoride treatment

  • Sealants

  • Fillings

*Each child may only be seen once a year to give other children opportunity to be treated. Not all treatments may be provided and is solely up to the discretion of Dr. Young. The cleaning is valid only for a basic cleaning. Sealants cannot be placed on teeth with cavities. This offer may change, or be discontinued at any time without prior notice.



This free event is by appointment only and PRIORITY IS for kids under 12 YEARS OLD. We dO SEE OLDER KIDS AND ADULTS, PLEASE CALL US TO INQUIRE. *insurance patients are not eligible for this event. please call our office 925-223-6027 for appointment!


This One Tree Somewhere

We may never know all the GOOD that a SIMPLE SMILE can do.
— Mother Teresa